Nihil's Teddies
Presented without comment.

I always thought this guy was pretty cool. He had a good attitude, too; he never got bent out of shape like some of the other Teddies do, always kept his cool. Believe it or not, this guy went on to a career in dentistry. I know, right? Who would've thought?
Choppers is practicing dental medicine in his new home.
Choppers is practicing dental medicine in his new home.
I think this has to be the most popular teddy either of us ever produced. I have had so many people ask if they can buy a Koalapillar ... Well, you can't! He's one of a kind! That's the damn point! One-off! Please stop asking!
... You wouldn't really have wanted him anyway, though. Seriously. He had some really weird habits that made him really difficult to live with. For instance, he liked to collect socks. One time, he made this giant pile of socks in the middle of the living room, and he wouldn't let anybody touch it for three or four days. True story, man. This guy was a ticket. |
the flasher
OK, so there seems to be some confusion as to what's actually going on here -- at least, my mother was confused -- so, just to clarify: Those are his INTERNAL organs he's flashing. INTERNAL. NOT GENITALS.
See, those are his lungs and his heart and his intestines ... Oh, never mind. I take NO responsibility for this thing whatsoever. This was ALL NIHIL. Not me. OK? The Flasher is freaking people out in a new home. |