really weird teddies
... You wouldn't think that, on a website full of weird teddies, we would need a separate designation for Really Weird Teddies, but we do. That should give some indication as to just how weird these guys really are.
chuck duck
Chuck Duck and his little pal, Chucky, were the first Teddies I ever made ... Ever. For this reason, Chuck has seniority with the other Teddies around here, but his rule is noble and wise. He rarely speaks, but when he does, the other Teddies listen.
Chucky, on the other hand, talks a mile a minute, but nobody can understand a goddam word he says. Chuck Duck has been lost to the sands of time. |
Grover is the SECOND Teddy I ever made!
He was a little bit simple minded, but Grover always meant well. His butt was full of beans, so he probably used to be a "therapy pillow" or something else of the like. He doesn't seem to have ever fully moved away from his past, so the other Teddies would sometimes speak to Grover about their problems. It was never clear how much he really understood what they were saying, but he was always very good at nodding and looking concerned, which is a good thing to do when people are telling you their problems and you don't really want to hear them. As of 2012, Grover is no longer with us. He suffered a major rodent-related accident while in storage, and the damage was irreparable. May Grover rest in piece, wherever he is now. (Well, technically speaking he is evenly distributed between mouse nests and a landfill, but I'm talking existentially, here.) |
hooter and grinner
Well, what do you know? ... I had utterly forgotten about these guys! They weren't on the old site -- I have no idea why.
Maybe it's because they got kicked off. Yes, that makes sense, actually. They always did enjoy trolling the other teddies. They didn't really mean to offend, but they just didn't know when to stop. I have no idea what happened to these guys. They probably got hit with the banhammer. One never does know what happens to folks that get hit with the banhammer, let alone banned stuffed animals. They probably get thrown into some kind of Internet purgatory, or, in this case, cloth-and-stuffing purgatory ... I should probably stop typing now, yeah? |
hungry hector
Pig-bat-tapeworm? Coming right up!
It's Nigel! Nigel is actually a sweetheart. He used to bake chocolate chip cookies for the other Teddies while he lived here. Granted, they weren't always the best cookies in the world -- he liked to try and substitute margarine for butter, and, like, seriously -- who even uses margarine anymore? Isn't that shit carcinogenic or some crap? -- but he meant well. Nigel is now baking cookies in a new home. |

The Octobunny is a bit of a strange thing, isn't he? He's got four monkey-arms coming out of his back, and some sort of weirdness going on with his jaw ...
Frankly I don't really know what I was thinking when I made this thing. Feel like I was kind of reaching with this one.
Frankly I don't really know what I was thinking when I made this thing. Feel like I was kind of reaching with this one.

Wallace was the result of a series of dangerous underground experiments designed to test whether it is possible for a seal to NOT be cute.
It isn't clear whether they were successful or not.
Wallace is hanging out in a new home.
It isn't clear whether they were successful or not.
Wallace is hanging out in a new home.
Super secret bonus category:
Weirder than weird Teddies!
These are, like, concept teddies. That's why they get their own category.