skull teddies.
These are Teddies with skulls for heads. Seriously, what did you expect?
I hope this would go without saying, but just in case any of you out there are really this creepy: NONE of the animals that provided the skulls were killed for the purposes of making Ugly Teddies. We aren't vegetarians here, but we aren't out killing muskrats just to make this stupid crap, either.
All of these pieces have been sold into the collections of discerning Weird Art Collectors unless otherwise noted.
I hope this would go without saying, but just in case any of you out there are really this creepy: NONE of the animals that provided the skulls were killed for the purposes of making Ugly Teddies. We aren't vegetarians here, but we aren't out killing muskrats just to make this stupid crap, either.
All of these pieces have been sold into the collections of discerning Weird Art Collectors unless otherwise noted.

The cutest baby chick on the planet. Seriously, Cheepers makes all those living baby chicks look like baby ... Worms, or something. (Baby worms are ugly, right? I mean, they gotta just look like regular adult worms, only tinier ... Although, there are some worms that are cute, like nudibranchs -- you know, those marine worms with the little feelers? Those are pretty cute, I guess. I forget where the hell I was going with this. Here's a baby chick with a skull for a head.)

Cluckers thinks he's the hottest rooster on the block, strutting around and crowing like a fiend. No one has the heart to tell him that he has no vocal cords (or legs, for that matter), and that all the crowing and strutting is just in his head. In his mind, though, he's a beast!
george and missy

Aah, George and Missy. Old-fashioned romantic lovers they were, always very proper, never even held hands in public ... Or maybe they were overt and obnoxious, I can't quite remember.

Grubbin! Oh, how could I forget dear darling Grubbin? This guy was the best! He had a thing for stealing socks, but that seems to be common among some Teddies.
This guy is now hanging out all the way over in the Netherlands -- how cool is that?
This guy is now hanging out all the way over in the Netherlands -- how cool is that?

Hamsterbear! Hamsterbear! Hamsterbeeearrrrrrrrr!!!!
Soo ...
I have no recollection whatsoever what happened to this guy, or anything about him, really, but I have a photo on my computer labeled "Hamsterbear," and this is it, so guess what?
Soo ...
I have no recollection whatsoever what happened to this guy, or anything about him, really, but I have a photo on my computer labeled "Hamsterbear," and this is it, so guess what?

Price is a bit of a spoiled brat, I'm afraid. He began life as a pink poodle, spoiled and loved by children, and even though he hated the facade of cuteness and huggability, the attitude of privilege never really wore off.
Despite this, Price is one of my favorite Teddies ever. He is staying here with us and has a prominent place in our living room. (We are some strange adults.)
To see more photos of Price, go to this page on my sister site.
Despite this, Price is one of my favorite Teddies ever. He is staying here with us and has a prominent place in our living room. (We are some strange adults.)
To see more photos of Price, go to this page on my sister site.
the wodent

This guy makes creepy little squeaking-laughing-yodeling noises at night, and it drives everybody CRAZY.
Supposedly, the Wodent never sold, but I have no idea where he is now. If I find him, I'll let you know. He's probably hiding somewhere, making a stash of bottlecaps with neat brewery logos on them. (I think he thinks he's going to make a belt out of them, but he'll never get up the motivation to actually do it.)
To see more photos of Wodent, go to this page on my sister site.
Supposedly, the Wodent never sold, but I have no idea where he is now. If I find him, I'll let you know. He's probably hiding somewhere, making a stash of bottlecaps with neat brewery logos on them. (I think he thinks he's going to make a belt out of them, but he'll never get up the motivation to actually do it.)
To see more photos of Wodent, go to this page on my sister site.
And Now, a Gallery of Unnamed Skull Teddies
Not every one had an origin story, but at least I endeavored to make them all aesthetically acceptable. (Also, most of them appear to be Valentine's Day themed, for some reason. No idea how that happened.)
Do you want your very own Skull Teddy? ... There's a good chance that we have one for sale!
Check out our new and improved (read: actually updated) Etsy Store!
Do you want your very own Skull Teddy? ... There's a good chance that we have one for sale!
Check out our new and improved (read: actually updated) Etsy Store!